2016年1月2日 星期六

Animal Score Card: Mr Turnbull’s 100 days as PM

Animal Score Card: Mr Turnbull’s 100 days as PM

After 100 days as PM, Mr Turnbull has shown that animal abuse by his self-labelled Government of the 21st Century is set to continue at record levels. After 100 days this is what we have seen Mr Turnbull achieve for animals:
  • Held negotiations with the Indonesian Government to dramatically increase the live trade in cattle to that country despite all the evidence of ongoing extreme cruelty in this industry
  • Provided financial support to increase export marketing by the hideous commercial kangaroo killing industry, thereby strengthening our claim to be the country with the highest slaughter of a land-based native animal on the planet.
  • Encouraged the export of greyhounds to south east Asia despite formal requests to stop it by other Asian nations and clear evidence of abuse to these animals being perpetrated.
  • Going soft on opposition to whaling operations in negotiations with the Japanese prime minister.
People who support animal abuse should not be elected to public office. The Labor Party might have given Mr Turnbull a ‘B minus’ scorecard for his first 100 days. The Animal Justice Party gives him an ‘F for fail’ with a note saying he needs to re-consider his future.

