City of Tulsa Animal Welfare, a division of Working In Neighborhoods, is the city department responsible for the welfare of animals in our community. From picking up stray animals, reuniting lost pets with owners, to finding new homes for unwanted pets, our employees are dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our animals.
While the Shelter will never replace a good home with a caring family, we do our best to provide a safe place where animals will find food, water and a friendly face with a caring hand.
Animal Control Officers enforce the Animal Code found in Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Tulsa. These ordinances include requirements for rabies vaccinations, city licensing and sterilization requirements.
Cats and dogs not reclaimed by their owners may become available for adoption after three business days. Animals surrendered to us by their owners are immediately available.
Many of our animals are featured on Pet Harbor. The cats and dogs featured on our web page are representative of the many cats and dogs available for adoption.