The moment a rescue dog was stroked for the first time has been captured in a heartbreaking video.
The moving clip has been uploaded to Youtube and features a young puppy named Priscilla at a shelter in Breasta-Craoiva, Romania. She is described as an “abused dog” although no details are given as to what this entailed.
However, as soon as a woman approaches Priscilla to stroke her for the first time, the dog’s trauma and fear of humans becomes clear from her distressed screams.
The dog becomes immediately distressed and appears incapable of comprehending being stroked
She initially cowers in the corner of her pen with her back to the woman, wailing loudly. She then tries to escape from the corner and back away from the woman.
The dog cowers and screams in terror as she is gently stroked
As the rescued dog begins to trust its handler, she relaxes and enjors her first stroke
However, as the woman continues to calmly and softly stroke Priscilla, she calms down and appears to relax into her first ever affectionate touch from a human.
The video later shows the dog take a walk outside in a leafy park, playing with another dog and enjoying the feeling of in-car air conditioning on her face as her new owner takes her for a ride.
The moving video has been watched almost a million times since being uploaded on Thursday.